Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Freaking out

The reality of what is going to happen to me starting on Sunday is really starting to sink in, and I'm starting to freak out about it. The fiancé is going to be gone almost every weekend, and of course there's work trips, so I'm going to be alone and unable to go anywhere a lot during the next few months.
So, this is one of those times where I really need some help from my friends - craft nights, poker nights, movie nights, impromptu dinner partners, etc.
Or else I don't think I'll make it through this with my sanity intact. Picture Jack Nicholson in "The Shining".
Yeah, it's gonna be that bad.


Earthbane said...

I'd be up for game nights or just about anything else. Could bring over my Wii too for some fun action there too. :)

We're here for ya, you'll make it on through this.

loud said...

Scrapbooking - done. Renee has something fun in the works - done. Game night - done. Helping me make stuff for the Fall Ball - done.

Ask and ye shall receive - just let us know what you need. Groceries, a ride, some company, liquor hidden inside candy so they can't bust you...just kidding.

loud said...

Oh yeah, and of course, wedding planning...showers, bachelorette parties, honeymoon, etc.

11frogs said...

Cooking nights, no problem. I heart eating. In fact, per this week's meals so far (warm soups and homemade pizzas and such), I think I'm starting in early on my annual Put on the Winter Weight kick. Join me!

Unknown said...

[silly benign saying]
Now all I can think of is that horrific 70's disco song... Freak Out! Maybe I can bash it out of my brain with the wall... hmmm.
[/silly benign saying]

Other than that, it sounds like you're gonna do Ok kiddo. You have a lot of good friends and people that care. Don't forget that the reality of things is mostly what you make of it. Be creative; don't let the moment define you, when you can define the moment.

Wow... that was almost insight, I better watch out before I waste all my deep thoughts for the month.