Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Days of sobriety: 5
Days of confinement: 2

I reported for jail at 7am on Sunday, the 2nd of September. Luckily my plan worked, and I didn't have to stay for 2 days. I had taken today off though, in case the plan didn't work, so I'm home today, chillin by myself. It's not too bad. But then again it is day 2 and I did have a certifiable freak out yesterday, so I should be good for another couple of days.
I got to spend 4 hours there, getting booked and fingerprinted and etc etc etc. Probably about half an hour of time was spent doing anything. The rest of the time was sitting on my ass and watching the police sit around on *their* asses, drinking diet coke and joking around and talking about the finer points of buying a rod for fishing and how much you could spend and what kind of line you'd need blah blah blah blah.
Oh yeah, my tax dollars are really hard at work as they sat there, wasting my f*cking time. I'd love to string each and every single of of them up and then blow what little amount of brains that they have through the back of their skull.
So now I sport the latest in inmate fashion, a pretty jail ID bracelet and a fantabulous monitoring bracelet à la Lindsey Lohan (except this doesn't monitor my BAC).
I'm trying to look at this as time to spend working on crafts and friendships and relationships, but it's not really working. In truth, I want to go with my fiancé when he goes to the store. I want to be able to run around and do errands after work if I feel like it. I want to be able to stay at work until 8pm like I did all last week. I want to drive my car. And of course, I want to drink. No, not for the reason that you all are probably thinking. I want to drink and do all those other things simply because I can't.
That's something I've always had a problem with. If someone tells me that I can't do something, well screw you. I will. Damnit.
Either way, this time I can't do this or I'll definitely land in jail until November 30th. I get off this stupid bracelet bullshit at 8am on Friday, 11/30. So you know what that means - that Friday I'm going downtown and making up for 3 months of missing the State Street scene. Y'all better be with me, I don't want any excuses. I hope Madison is ready.
Until then, I'm stuck here. If you want craft night on a weekday, just let me know. I'm not the boss of when all this stuff happens, you guys are. Sleep late, you need to let me know what weeknights you're free, and then we'll get this together. Don't worry - it doesn't matter what night you pick. I'll be here :P

1 comment:

loud said...

Maybe think of "this" as your challenge. Instead of focusing on what you "can't" do, focus on what you've always wanted to do, but never do. You "can" not drink for 90 days. You "can" catch up with friends. You "can" learn to cook. You "can" finish all those scrapbooks.

Just like you "could" walk 60 miles and raise $2000 for Breast Cancer a few years ago, you "can" do this.

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.