Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to post about books I'd like to read.
I admit it - I mostly like fluff. After a long day of using my brain at work, I like to sit down with a book where there's suspense and sex and where everything turns out ok and is wrapped up in a neat little bow in 300 pages. You know, those "romantic suspense" books.
I also like books about people who live fabu wealthy lives in the upper crust of society but who then realize that their life is completely empty and fake and work through that realization. The shopaholic series is one of such type, and then "In Her Shoes" was a really good one.
I'm thinking of finding more books about eating local food since "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" was so good. I actually bought a copy of that for our "library" (aka one half shelf in a small bookcase) and a poster of the Vegitannual (sp?) that now hangs on the inside of our pantry door :)
But of course, I'm open to trying new things. Pick out books (or DVDs! DVDs are good too) that were really good or you think I'd like/should read, and bring them to work for me or the fiancé to pick up, or bring them over if you feel like hanging out with me for a bit. I'd be forever grateful for any books that any of you wanted to let me borrow. Reading is an escape for me, and I need a lot of it. I've read 2 books in the last 2 days. And I certainly don't have 88 more books laying around.

1 comment:

11frogs said...

Eating local food book suggestions:
- The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan - a must-read
- What to Eat and Food Politics by Marion Nestle
- Diet for a Small Planet and Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet by Anna Lappe and Francis Moore Lappe
I've read all of these except "What to Eat" and seen all of these people speak except Michael Pollan, so the recommendations come very highly.