Monday, September 24, 2007


So, I thought that before, when I was tired and cranky, it was because of alcohol and/or nicotine.
As in, "Ugh, I'm tired and can't focus and don't feel good, it must be because we sat out on the deck last night and had a few beers and a few cigarettes and so I didn't sleep well."
But, I've begun to found that it isn't true. Sure, when I'd WAY overindulge, I'd feel completely crappy, and I knew that was because of drinking/smoking.
But I haven't done either for 3 1/2 weeks now, and I still am tired a lot and still don't sleep well and still need my coffee in order to be anything close to productive.
I think it must be stress then. Stupid stress. And it's not like I can do much to exercise, what with the leg and all, but perhaps I should try some small stuff to see if it helps.
Personally, I think an extended (read: 2o year) tropical vacation would do the trick too, but for some reason I don't see that in my future.


Sleep late... dream more. said...

I like your 20yr vacation idea! the meantime, though, a more affordable (and generally healthy anyway) option is to try vitamins. srsly. I was having big troubles sleeping this summer and was approaching the end of the proverbial rope when a friend who's in to a bunch of homeopathic/etc stuff suggested vitams (I forget which ones in particular - I just did a multi-vitamin and then ended up adding a vitamin E that had other B's and folic acid thrown in because I had it at the house and it wasn't doing anything on the shelf)

..I thought "What the heck... it certainly won't hurt to try it and even if it doesn't help the sleeping thing, vitamins are a good habit anyway"

and voila! I sleep very well now :) yay!

(and honestly? even if it's a placebo effect, I don't care because I'm sleeping better - yay!)

loud said...

Could be your mattress or pillow - I have a hard time sleeping and I think I need a better pillow.