Wednesday, September 12, 2007


When did things become so complicated? Why does everyone feel that they have the right to make unreasonable demands of me? And most of all, why do I need to oblige them?
At least at work I get paid, and so I allow everyone to take, take, take, and I give, give, give. It's never enough in the end, and every day I'm left with a little bit less of myself. That's how I know that this job could never be a career.
But for christssake, my wedding?? Everyone says that "Oh, the wedding isn't for you, it's for everyone else".
Well, FUCK everyone else! My wedding is a wedding where my fiancé and I make vows to each other - it DOES NOT involve anyone else. So excuse me if I don't want total fucking strangers there. Excuse me if I told you very plainly to stop inviting people and you just heard what you wanted and did it anyways.
And most of all, excuse me if you thought I'd just sit back and let you do whatever you wanted. That was a completely idiotic assumption. Just because your marriage sucks does not give you the right to butt into *my* impending marriage.
I WILL NOT back down. If you want a fight, then go for it. I'm exhausted and sick and cold and so drained it's unbelievable, but I do have the resolve to fight for this. And you will lose. You can try all your meddling, manipulative tactics, but I have made sure that you are exposed for what you are.
Try me. You'll lose everything.


loud said...

Does this mean I have to univite Bob the Cable guy?

Lucia said...

umm, my date is BigHead... do I need to cancel that? :)