Friday, September 18, 2009

My Blog

Ahhh my blog. Where I can say anything and not be censored. Lovely.
I've been thinking about my title lately, "Never Give Up". It just mirrors so many times in my life.
When I attempted suicide, don't get me wrong - it wasn't a bid for attention, as I'm sure my friends in the hospital waiting room will attest to. It was the real thing.
Since I was saved (and with no noticeable side affects, despite the doctor's first prognosis that I wouldn't live, and if I did, I'd likely be paralyzed from the waist down) I have since adopted this mantra of "Never Give Up". It's so important to me.
Because if had, I would have missed all the wonderfulness (and pain) that has happened since then. Just gotta keep believing.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


I found this article on "single living" but it really applies to everyone, attached or not, so I thought I'd share it:

Very good ideas.