Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm a homeowner.

As in, we have the keys and the garage door openers and we signed a zillion papers and handed over a hefty cashier's check and met with the people who were selling the house and then got to wander around for an hour or so today to just look at all the stuff we want to change.

It is absolutely FREAKY. I feel like this is something that adults do, and I definitely don't feel like an "adult". I know that I can probably handle this responsibility - it just feels like I'm way too young to do something like this, even though I'm not - I'm 27.

Tonight D and I will go to look at it some more and start planning specific projects. Over the next 3 weeks we hope to get painters in there and carpet cleaners, and then on the 22nd of May we actually have movers coming to take everything from the old house to the new place.

Ack! Scary and exciting and completely disconcerting - but in a good way!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Don't worry......

You know, when it comes to the link from the previous post, I was smart enough to click the link from my work computer instead of my home computer :)

But you know what they say, curiousity killed the cat.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blog spam

Has spam finally migrated to blogs? I was very confused once to find that I received spam in the form of a text message on a work phone, and now I'm even more bewildered. Do people just sit around thinking of new ways to annoy other people?

I got a comment on this post. Lucia received a similar comment on her post, so did Loud, and so did this Wisconsin Roaming post.

But the confusing thing - what exactly are they trying to get? If you go to one of the pages it's some page written in foreign language, and nothing that my McAfee yelled about. What's up with that?

The ties that bind

I have always believed that the fiancé's mother is the Queen of Unwarranted Guilt Trips. But, it seems you are blind to your own life, and I've discovered a new King in the form of my father.

If this is what "familial responsibility" is, I don't want any part of it. It seems that being part of a family means you can hurt the other people but give more courtesy to the real person this anger should have been directed towards, a goddamn stranger. I don't want your money that you offered me to be a source that you dig at to make me feel guilty, when I never even asked for it. I certainly don't want it for a goddamn wedding that I'm only participating in to make others in the family happy. They don't have to deal with this grief, I do. And I'm sick of dealing with bullshit and being the one who's hurt just so other people get what they want.

When do I get what I want? And I don't want to hear that bullshit about how the wedding isn't for the couple. Maybe other people accept that and deal with it. I do not.

Maybe this will blow over in time. But I don't think I could ever forget, or forgive, this.

Monday, April 21, 2008

One week and counting

The countdown to closing has begun in earnest. We close on the house in exactly 7 days and 1 hour.
I'm nervous, but also excited. Once we get the keys we can start schlepping some of our crap over to the new house. We can put in some manual labor, which, suprisingly, is exciting to me. All the little projects that came out of the home inspection are things we hope to do within the month that we have before we need to be out of the current house. It'll be interesting to be "weekend warriors" for a while :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Experiences

So, I am all about having New Experiences.

But there are some New Experiences I can do without, really. Like the one I had last night, where, after trying to land at the Madison airport in extreme turbulence (large thunderstorm) in a tiny puddle jumper, with many people puking because it was so bad, they rerouted us to Green Bay. Then we got to sit on the runway while they reopened the airport because many people had gone home early.
Then we got to figure out who was all from the place where I work, and rent a couple of large vans and find people willing to drive the 2 1/2 hours back to Madison, since we all had to be back in the office on Friday.

Whee. I didn't get home until 3am.

And, as of 2:30 this afternoon, I will have worked over 60 hours this week.

These are the New Experiences that I really, really, am ok with never having ever again.

I moved the massage up to 3:30pm today :P

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tired kitty... tired.
It's been a long week.
12-hour shifts at my customer's second go-live. Which, usually, wouldn't be bad. But dude - I'm BILLING. We, like, don't get issues until like 2 weeks later.
So we were booooooooooooooooooooored.
Each day we'd get up at 4:30am EST, head out at 5:30am to get there at 6am (and have time to hit up starbucks first for a triple or quad venti) and then work straight until 6pm (they even brought in lunch, so there was no escape). Then we'd go out to dinner, have a couple glasses of wine to wind down, and go to bed at like 9:30pm.
This morning we actually decided to go in at 7am, so I didn't have to get up until 5:40am. Heaven!
When getting up late is synonomous with getting up at 5:40am, you know there is something wrong with the world.
Then tomorrow it's back to the office and meetings, and then at 6pm my wonderful fiance scheduled a surprise, already-paid-for full body massage.
Though, don't y'all go thinking that's all selfless - I'm sure it's partially motivated by the fact that he doesn't want to hear me bitch about that particular customer and he knows I'm rather jelly-like after a massage :)