Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So finally, here are the pictures of the result of the apple canning extravaganza with Lucia:


And now for the starting point for this weekend:


I am now the proud owner of 75 lbs of tomatoes.
Oh yeah, that's right. And by Sunday, they should all be tucked away in sealed mason jars ;)

Monday, September 24, 2007


So, I thought that before, when I was tired and cranky, it was because of alcohol and/or nicotine.
As in, "Ugh, I'm tired and can't focus and don't feel good, it must be because we sat out on the deck last night and had a few beers and a few cigarettes and so I didn't sleep well."
But, I've begun to found that it isn't true. Sure, when I'd WAY overindulge, I'd feel completely crappy, and I knew that was because of drinking/smoking.
But I haven't done either for 3 1/2 weeks now, and I still am tired a lot and still don't sleep well and still need my coffee in order to be anything close to productive.
I think it must be stress then. Stupid stress. And it's not like I can do much to exercise, what with the leg and all, but perhaps I should try some small stuff to see if it helps.
Personally, I think an extended (read: 2o year) tropical vacation would do the trick too, but for some reason I don't see that in my future.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Ok, I suppose I should have expected the reaction from the last post :P
The spa day is scheduled to be until 5:30pm, so I suspect that sometime between 4:30-5pm is when the haircut will begin, if you want to be there. It's on a Friday, so you'd have to take off early, but the spa is near MP in Fitchburg, so if you're there, it's a quick jaunt over.
I'll *try* and let my bangs grow out for the next few months, but I make no promises.
Want the sparkly things though.......

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Got the spa day scheduled

So on 11/30, I go in at 8am to get my bracelet off. Then at 11am I have a full day at a spa scheduled - 6 1/2 hours of pampering (mmmmmmmmmmmm).
I know you've all noticed that my hair is ridiculously long, and I'm getting a "cut and style" as part of the spa package, so what do you think I should do? I usually just ask for a trim and some shaping, but what about something a bit more dramatic? I need some ideas.
I don't think I'm ready to part with the bangs yet though (get it? "part"? Ha ha, I kill myself).

Monday, September 17, 2007

New stuff to do

Another thing I forgot was that we got this pack of coupons in the mail a couple days ago. It wasn't the val-u-pak ones, and it was addressed to people with really strange names, but hey, whatever. We looked through them and found 3 good things:
1) An advertisement for a cool Japenese resturant on the East Side. I put that in my calendar for December, so we'll try it out then.
2) Found an add for a spa that has an "all day" treatment (probably only like 6 hours) for only $225. M mentioned that I should take 11/30 off from work - I'm getting my bracelet off, and I should go celebrate. I agree. I'm going to go get all worked over and then look completely fabu for when I go out that Friday and then for a party held at Roswell's place on Saturday!
3) There was an advertisement for The Vinery Stained Glass Studio. They have classes where you make stained glass stuff - panels, lampshades, boxes, cabinet door inlays, etc. SOOOO cool. I can't wait until I get off this bracelet, cuz I totally want to try that! I really love stained glass, and how completely awesome would it be to make your own cabinet door inlays for the kitchen of the house that the fiancé and I will buy in a few years???
I also have fabrics squares that I've cut out and have been meaning to sew into a quilt for the past, oh, decade (no, I'm 100% serious). So add this to the canning and scrapbooking and cleaning and selling of stuff that I've been wanting to do, and I've got a lot of options for the way that I spend my time.
Though, I still complain about this bracelet crap to the fiancé and in this blog, and will continue to complain, but at least I'll be a little less vocal about it :P


I finally got to do it! I canned a few jars of apple butter and lots of applesauce. This was courtesy of apples that wonderful Lucia picked for me. She did apple butter and also raspberry jam. M did some spaghetti sauce that was spicy and yummy, and claimed one of the jars of apple butter. So now there's like 3 dozen jars sitting on my kitchen table that have been cooling since we finished at like 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I checked this morning, and they all seem to have sealed. Keep your fingers crossed :)
Since our dishwasher is (still) broken, the kitchen is still a disaster area. After getting up at 10am on a Sunday (early!) and then running around doing the canning until 4:30, I was tired. I did a quick mop of the floor and was done. So I need to do that this evening. *sigh*.
However, it was so much fun that I went online and bought a canning pot and a kit with tools (cuz Lucia's was super handy)! I think I'll get that next week, which doesn't help since I'm going to can this weekend again. The fiancé will be gone from Thurs-Sun, and everyone else is traveling, so what's a girl to do? Beg her friend to leave the canning stuff at her house, get 30 lbs of tomatoes from the Farmer's Market, take Friday off, and go nuts. I figure I'll make a spaghetti sauce base, whole tomatoes, and chopped tomatoes on Friday. Then on Saturday I'll do the canning part of it. The dishwasher should be fixed on Friday, BTW. YEY!
The weekend after that, I'm enlisting the fiancé to help can MORE tomatoes. And then who knows. 3 weekends of canning should be enough to satisfy me, and if not, then the tomatoes will probably have run out by then.
I have pictures of everything, but not here with me, so I'll post them tonight or tomorrow night. The kit that I bought also has a cookbook that comes with it, so who knows? Maybe I'll find myself canning more stuff :)

Friday, September 14, 2007


Time to clear the air about the wedding :)
The Madison reception at the Hilton in Greenway station will be for everyone we know. You'll be getting a formal invite for that one.
In Rhode Island, a small ceremony will be held in a tent in my parent's back yard. By small, I mean me, the fiancé, the JP (or equivalent), 6 attendants, and 6 family members. All other friends, significant others of those in the wedding party, etc, can join us at the RI reception hall (we'll be sending a limo to the hotel to pick you up and it will also provide transportation back), but the wedding ceremony itself will be strictly the wedding party and family.
Sorry if anyone is confused or annoyed with that decision, but for some reason I can't stand the thought of having people at the wedding. As far as I'm concerned, that's a very private moment that should be shared by myself and my fiancé, and no one else. I'm compromising by having a wedding party and 6 family members there.
Also, if you do wish to come to the RI reception, there's a limited number that we'll be able to accommodate at the reception site (remember people - this was supposed to be small!), so please let me know early if you'd like to come and also if you want to bring anyone - it's first come, first serve.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


"Ask her why, she tells a story
Of the souls lost to tainted glory
The strong survive, that's what she told me
But in her eyes there's only mourning
Oh, people gotta know what she is
Addictive like the drug that she is
And now I got nothing to give
Gave it all just to get away
Oh, people gotta stay far away
Oh dangerous girl don't think she could save
Your life
Your heart
It's a mistake
She's a soulseeker yeah
Can't you see me now, I'm running back
I need her touch again
And she's going to get me
A soulseeker yeah
Can't you see me know, I'm running back
I need her touch again
And she's coming to get me..."
Ronski Speed, Stoneface & Terminal


When did things become so complicated? Why does everyone feel that they have the right to make unreasonable demands of me? And most of all, why do I need to oblige them?
At least at work I get paid, and so I allow everyone to take, take, take, and I give, give, give. It's never enough in the end, and every day I'm left with a little bit less of myself. That's how I know that this job could never be a career.
But for christssake, my wedding?? Everyone says that "Oh, the wedding isn't for you, it's for everyone else".
Well, FUCK everyone else! My wedding is a wedding where my fiancé and I make vows to each other - it DOES NOT involve anyone else. So excuse me if I don't want total fucking strangers there. Excuse me if I told you very plainly to stop inviting people and you just heard what you wanted and did it anyways.
And most of all, excuse me if you thought I'd just sit back and let you do whatever you wanted. That was a completely idiotic assumption. Just because your marriage sucks does not give you the right to butt into *my* impending marriage.
I WILL NOT back down. If you want a fight, then go for it. I'm exhausted and sick and cold and so drained it's unbelievable, but I do have the resolve to fight for this. And you will lose. You can try all your meddling, manipulative tactics, but I have made sure that you are exposed for what you are.
Try me. You'll lose everything.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"Pieces are raining down on me
We won't wait
We can't believe in this or anything at all
After what you did
Why would I care? Why should I care?
After the pain you caused
Why would I care? Why should I care?
I've waited for this so long
Why would I care? Why should I care?
Loneliness, sadness and solitude
These are a few of the things I've been through
Waiting for anything, everyday
Strange that you don't seem to feel the same way
Write me off, bury me, leave me for dead
Open wide, eat your words, choke on regrets
Look through me
Tragedy's not so bad
Remember what was lost
Taking me down and more
Take all I give to you
Go ahead and take
After what I've been through
I honestly don't care at all
Set up and ready to fall
Let it fall"
~A Thorn for Every Heart

Friday, September 7, 2007

Good things

This morning I came into work for my 7am call with my oh-so-favorite customer, to see a blog post by Lucia about canning. YEY! There will be a canning extravaganza at my house sometime this month, which makes me very happy. I will finally get to try my hand at this.
I wonder if I could convince Lucia to let me try my hand at tomato sauce. That would be interesting. I've already frozen some homemade salsa, but that's not the same as canning.
Also, this morning I got to play with my new espresso machine to make a triple-shot hazelnut latte. w00t! Exciting. And I didn't see Witty's comment about her old espresso machine until AFTER I'd already used mine, so Lucia, you are more than welcome to it.
It's the least I can do in exchange for lugging everything over to my house just so that I can experience the satisfaction of squirreling away food for the winter :)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Short post

Days of sobriety: 7 (and I feel really good - this may be a better idea than I originally thought)
Days of confinement: 4 (at least I get to go to work and talk to other human beings)

1) Lucia rocks for organizing a "surprise" craft night at my place next week, and for coming up with lots of cool ideas to keep me entertained.

2) The fiancé rocks because, since I won't be getting my starbucks fix for a while (I can't make "unauthorized stops" on my way to/from work, and, to my great horror, Starbucks is not an exception *freaking nazis*), he secretly went out and bought me an espresso machine last night.
In lolspeak:
I has nu toy 2 play wif!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Oh yeah, and I'm supposed to post about books I'd like to read.
I admit it - I mostly like fluff. After a long day of using my brain at work, I like to sit down with a book where there's suspense and sex and where everything turns out ok and is wrapped up in a neat little bow in 300 pages. You know, those "romantic suspense" books.
I also like books about people who live fabu wealthy lives in the upper crust of society but who then realize that their life is completely empty and fake and work through that realization. The shopaholic series is one of such type, and then "In Her Shoes" was a really good one.
I'm thinking of finding more books about eating local food since "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" was so good. I actually bought a copy of that for our "library" (aka one half shelf in a small bookcase) and a poster of the Vegitannual (sp?) that now hangs on the inside of our pantry door :)
But of course, I'm open to trying new things. Pick out books (or DVDs! DVDs are good too) that were really good or you think I'd like/should read, and bring them to work for me or the fiancé to pick up, or bring them over if you feel like hanging out with me for a bit. I'd be forever grateful for any books that any of you wanted to let me borrow. Reading is an escape for me, and I need a lot of it. I've read 2 books in the last 2 days. And I certainly don't have 88 more books laying around.


Days of sobriety: 5
Days of confinement: 2

I reported for jail at 7am on Sunday, the 2nd of September. Luckily my plan worked, and I didn't have to stay for 2 days. I had taken today off though, in case the plan didn't work, so I'm home today, chillin by myself. It's not too bad. But then again it is day 2 and I did have a certifiable freak out yesterday, so I should be good for another couple of days.
I got to spend 4 hours there, getting booked and fingerprinted and etc etc etc. Probably about half an hour of time was spent doing anything. The rest of the time was sitting on my ass and watching the police sit around on *their* asses, drinking diet coke and joking around and talking about the finer points of buying a rod for fishing and how much you could spend and what kind of line you'd need blah blah blah blah.
Oh yeah, my tax dollars are really hard at work as they sat there, wasting my f*cking time. I'd love to string each and every single of of them up and then blow what little amount of brains that they have through the back of their skull.
So now I sport the latest in inmate fashion, a pretty jail ID bracelet and a fantabulous monitoring bracelet à la Lindsey Lohan (except this doesn't monitor my BAC).
I'm trying to look at this as time to spend working on crafts and friendships and relationships, but it's not really working. In truth, I want to go with my fiancé when he goes to the store. I want to be able to run around and do errands after work if I feel like it. I want to be able to stay at work until 8pm like I did all last week. I want to drive my car. And of course, I want to drink. No, not for the reason that you all are probably thinking. I want to drink and do all those other things simply because I can't.
That's something I've always had a problem with. If someone tells me that I can't do something, well screw you. I will. Damnit.
Either way, this time I can't do this or I'll definitely land in jail until November 30th. I get off this stupid bracelet bullshit at 8am on Friday, 11/30. So you know what that means - that Friday I'm going downtown and making up for 3 months of missing the State Street scene. Y'all better be with me, I don't want any excuses. I hope Madison is ready.
Until then, I'm stuck here. If you want craft night on a weekday, just let me know. I'm not the boss of when all this stuff happens, you guys are. Sleep late, you need to let me know what weeknights you're free, and then we'll get this together. Don't worry - it doesn't matter what night you pick. I'll be here :P