Monday, September 17, 2007


I finally got to do it! I canned a few jars of apple butter and lots of applesauce. This was courtesy of apples that wonderful Lucia picked for me. She did apple butter and also raspberry jam. M did some spaghetti sauce that was spicy and yummy, and claimed one of the jars of apple butter. So now there's like 3 dozen jars sitting on my kitchen table that have been cooling since we finished at like 4:30 yesterday afternoon. I checked this morning, and they all seem to have sealed. Keep your fingers crossed :)
Since our dishwasher is (still) broken, the kitchen is still a disaster area. After getting up at 10am on a Sunday (early!) and then running around doing the canning until 4:30, I was tired. I did a quick mop of the floor and was done. So I need to do that this evening. *sigh*.
However, it was so much fun that I went online and bought a canning pot and a kit with tools (cuz Lucia's was super handy)! I think I'll get that next week, which doesn't help since I'm going to can this weekend again. The fiancé will be gone from Thurs-Sun, and everyone else is traveling, so what's a girl to do? Beg her friend to leave the canning stuff at her house, get 30 lbs of tomatoes from the Farmer's Market, take Friday off, and go nuts. I figure I'll make a spaghetti sauce base, whole tomatoes, and chopped tomatoes on Friday. Then on Saturday I'll do the canning part of it. The dishwasher should be fixed on Friday, BTW. YEY!
The weekend after that, I'm enlisting the fiancé to help can MORE tomatoes. And then who knows. 3 weekends of canning should be enough to satisfy me, and if not, then the tomatoes will probably have run out by then.
I have pictures of everything, but not here with me, so I'll post them tonight or tomorrow night. The kit that I bought also has a cookbook that comes with it, so who knows? Maybe I'll find myself canning more stuff :)

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