Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I haz a nu name!

Wow, so I'm like, officially Jennifer Michelle Rygiewicz now. You know, the strangest part of this is getting used to signing a new name. Seriously! And my name is very strongly linked to my identity as a person. So changing it is giving me the willies.

But, just to prove that I'm still the same, I have purchased a 10 lb box of red peppers that I will be roasting and canning for this winter. Hehe!

Also, gratuitous promotion of the wedding - go here to see photos (when they actually get put up):

And, if you have some, you can upload them like I did (my brother took some AWESOME ones that he gave me)! You do need to log in, but that just consists of making a user name and password. Or you can let me know where your pictures are and I can upload them. I know that Loud lost her camera (very sad!!!) but I'm pretty sure there are others out there besides my brother who took pictures. Especially of the madness that went on afterwards in downtown Newport!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Pass along the congrats to D! It looks like you guys had a really great time, and it's looks to have been a spectacular wedding.

The pictures were absolutely awesome by the by!