Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We spent last night watching the election with friends - the kinds of friends who crack open a brand new bottle of tequila and rally everyone for shots every time Obama got a swing state. Seeing him win was very unreal - I was elated beyond belief. I still can't believe that we won - did America finally wake up?
I think that just the idea of having a new, fresh face in the White House will give this country the jump start it needs to start turning itself around from the very wrong direction in which the current administration has steered us.
The (now empty) tequila bottle has earned a place of honor on the downstairs shelf, along with the bottle of champagne that we drank when we moved into our house, one of the many bottles of champagne that was opened when we got engaged, and various symbols of other important events. That bottle symbolizes a start of a new era, and I'm so excited about it.

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