Thursday, February 14, 2013

Guns and violence

I'm so tired of all the crap happening in our world today.
I'm tired of people thinking that Repubs have the right idea. 
I'm tired of people dying by guns that completly sensible reform could have prevented.  I know it won't prevent everything.  But it will at least HELP. 
I'm so tired of feeling guilty that I had an abortion.  If you wanted that child to be born then you should have stepped up, but Repubs don't.  They oppose almost all pulic assistance programs, which I would have had to go on, and I wouldn't have finished college.  So FUCK YOU. 
I'm tired of feeling guilty that I have a goddamn uterus.  If men had the ability to get pregnant, there would be drive-through clincs all through the US and Roe vs Wade would never have been a problem. 
I'm tired of feeling ashamed of my sexuality.  If I'm straight, then who cares?  And if I'm gay, I'm trying to advance the "gay agenda" which is nothing more than to be able to have a goddamn family. 
If I believe in gun control, I'm a stupid liberal.  Well you know what?  If someone invades my home I'm gonna come at that asshole gun or not, and he's gonna regret the day he was born.  Dodge, you morons.  Or just work through the pain.  Or is it just Democrats who have learned to live and go on through the pain?
So, to anyone who votes Repub......I just don't know.  You've either been brainwashed or you're just plain stupid.  Try looking at the facts for once.  Then talk to me. 

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