Monday, July 16, 2007

Recent activities (and pics!)

Busy busy lately!
The 4th was spent at Lucia's house, drinking, eating, and then generally carousing at the Monona 4th of July Festival. The highlight of that, of course, was the wife carry. While no one in our group actually participated (that would involve serious training, people), the 2 engaged couples were forced to prove that they could, in fact, at least show proper form if need be:

Other pics that led up to this, and of M also being subjected to this (and almost wiping out!):

The weekend after that was spent shotgunning cheap beer, playing flippy cup and washers, sitting around a campfire, and otherwise partying an hour east of Madison at Roswell's parent's house.
We had healthy eating night at Ding's on that Tuesday, during which I promised to hold the next healthy eating night at my place - theme: French cooking. Get ideas ready ladies, I will be holding that sometime within in the next month.
Last weekend was the Second Annual Deep Fry Extravaganza. Oh fried foods, how do we love thee (just not for another week or so at least). But more about that on the WI Roaming blog :)


Lucia said...

Great post.
it is sad that the wife carry is such an unflattering look.

loud said...