Friday, November 30, 2007


Free free free free free free!!!!!!
Got the bracelet snipped off at five minutes of eight this morning, and then the (tentative) fiancé and I stopped at McDonald's and then Starbucks to celebrate!
As far as tentative, let's just say we talked and relieved some stress last night. We're starting over again, and testing the waters for a month.
But, as far as today goes, I'm off to the spa for an all-day appointment, then it's dinner at the Old Fashioned, then salsa dancing at Frida. Could this day get any better??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well wow. I missed a lot. But I'm going to comment on this one because it is the most recent.

So, first, awesome to hear about the freedom, that totally rocks!

Next, I hope things are well hun, don't let the little stones in your path trip you up. I hope you guys are doing better now.

Lastly, life is busy lately, but never too busy to say hi to a friend. If you need someone to vent to, let me know, lol.