Monday, June 2, 2008

I have a new address!

Yes, I've been slacking off lately. But I blame the fact that we moved over Memorial Day, and I do believe that my kitchen is permanently many boxes. Our 2 car garage is currently only a 1 car too!

Moving took pretty much 7 hours to do. We got up early and the movers weren't done till like 4pm (though they did take 1/2 hour break when I picked up pizza for lunch for them). It was kinda sad to leave the old house. That house was pretty much the perfect house to be in while I was laid up, because it was one story. I couldn't have lived in the new house with everything broken as it had been. And it has lots of storage, and it has larger windows, and a larger master bedroom, bathroom and closet.

When we moved, we slept Wednesday night at the old house and Thursday night at the new house - poof! Just like that we were all moved. That was disconcerting.

The new house is kinda nice though - a little smaller and therefore "cozier" in a way. It's coming together, slowly but surely. I'm currently in a wicked "nesting" phase. It's making D absolutely crazy :P

The housewarming party will be in early, August, combined with the deep-fry party. There are many, many projects that I want to do and lots of stuff to still unpack and put away, so I'm hoping 2 months is enough time to do it all!

Either way, email me if you need the new address. The old stuff should be forwarded for about a year I think though.

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