Monday, June 9, 2008

Too busy

I find that I go through phases in my life, variating between one extreme to another. There are weeks where I have stuff planned all the time, almost every day, sometimes more than one thing in a day, and I'm social and outgoing and busybusybusy.

I'm also then usually exhausted, and end up going a couple weeks where I don't really go out at all, except to go to work or the store.

I'm moving back into the latter phase now, because I am exhausted. There are things planned almost every weekend this summer - and while that's fun after this winter's (slightly-forced) hibernation, I'm also trying to get moved and settled and also plan our wedding and get all that stuff together, which is making me feel slightly crazy. D and I stayed home from work on Friday because both of us felt that we had no time to ourselves lately, and then went out for a low-key camping night (where we drank D's homemade beer and wine!), but then we came back Saturday morning, and spent the day doing laundry, napping, and having a completely FABULOUS 3 hour long dinner at Eno Vino afterwards.

Yesterday he flew out to a customer site and so I'm alone in the new house for the first time since we moved in. Have I mentioned that I am NOT settled in/completely comfy yet and I HATE thunderstorms?

And as a side note, if anyone wants to come tear out some perenials from my gardens, feel free to just come over and do it. I'm so sick of the damn things, because they look HORRIBLE. All the rain lately has made them just spring up and all the ground cover especially is getting out of control. The weekend of 6/28-6/29 I'm going to tear a bunch out and give them to various people who want them - if you want in, let me know.

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