Monday, December 22, 2008

When did being nice become being censored?

I'm so sick of this "don't say anything anytime that might possibly sort of offend someone or that they could take a twist in their small minds to mean something that they may not really like".


Since when did just being courteous and nice become being so fucking censored that you can't even say what you mean anymore? I'm not talking about being mean or rude - I'm just talking about just getting to the point and not dancing around the subject like a fucking trained monkey.

Or saying something like "WTF" or "Jesus Christ". One is an acronym, another is a made up creature. And yet, saying something like that "might not reflect well" on me. Whoa - huh? Seriously? And even if it doesn't you think I CARE about that? If someone takes offense to those sorts of things (especially when it's said in reference to something that has NOTHING to do with them), then they need to grow a pair and stop being a thin-skinned wimp. And, secondly - I don't care about that person! If they take offense, then they're totally discredited in my book and they don't matter to my life anymore. You think I want the same things you do? You think I want to get promoted to a group of people who I think are a bunch of idiotic talking heads with nothing better to do than harass everyone into being perfect molds of their robotic selves? Cuz then you are dumber than I thought. I don't like playing the game and I don't want what you have enough to compromise my dignity. Lay off.

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