Sunday, August 30, 2009


The parental units are coming for a visit!

I think the last time my Mom was here was the weekend after the attempt that hospitalized me. And even though my wonderful friend Loud and my wonderful husband D got me home in time to meet them, so they wouldn't have to see me in said hospital, it wasn't exactly a happy visit.

My Dad then came after the car accident that also landed me in the hospital, but this time I couldn't escape for 5 days, so he had to come to the hospital to see me. Here's me, black eyes, cuts and all, waving hi to my Mom while my Dad took this picture:

My Dad also came one other weekend before the wedding to see the house that D and I had bought, and he also brought wine from the vineyards where we had our wedding so that we could taste them to decide what we wanted to serve.

So, while he's been here under times other than under duress, I want my mom to "see" (she's pretty much blind, those who where at the wedding know) how we've been doing, and I've convinced them to come the weekend of Nov 7th.

Yey! I'm so happy :)

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