Monday, June 11, 2007

OMG first time for everything

So I slept pretty much all day Saturday since the fiancé was visiting a friend, and then on Sunday I actually got up before 9am (!!!!).
I fed the pets and then made coffee and cleaned, did the laundry, organized, did 2 loads of dishes, made a grocery list, cooked, and threw out so much stuff. It was great! The house looks amazing, but of course all of that took me like a full 6 hours to do and 4 cups of coffee (I was uber-caffeinated).
We even moved the small TV out of the living room, and cleaned off and put away the card table, and took the pillow off the easy chair. I put the walker and crutches away in the hall closet. Those were the last things hanging around as a reminder of the accident (except for my foot of course) and it was pretty damn refreshing to get those things put away.
This sort of thing happens once every 5 years or so, so I was freaking impressed with myself. I went through a bunch of drawers and chests and closets, and found a lot of remnents of my past, which I wanted to get rid of. I made a pile of stuff from an ex (shirts, childhood stuffed animal, class ring, etc) and will be mailing that stuff back to him. I threw away lots of old tickets and papers from past failed relationships. I just want to start over, move on from everything that went on in RI and from the accident this past January.
Maybe it's the spring cleaning bug that bit me, but I feel this need to just get EVERYTHING out of the house. I want to get down to the bare essentials and not get so bogged down with "stuff".
Though I want to hire a maid to come in monthly to just do the major stuff that I don't have the time to do - scrubbing the floors and dusting being the main things.
It'll be nice to come home for the next week while things are organized and clean. Which, of course, probably won't happen for another 5 years or so ;)


11frogs said...

Welcome to mornings! :) I'm making piles of stuff to get rid of this week, too. And, borrow the book anytime. I think everyone should read it.

loud said...

purging feels good...i do it twice yearly...I still have a lot of stuff though and I'm constantly buying more.