Wednesday, June 6, 2007

You'd think I'd be able to figure this out

This whole blogging thing confuses me. I have yet to understand how in the &#^@ to put up pictures. I shall have to bother one of the other girls sometime when we're both around a computer.
I also haven't spend much time trying to customize this blog, nor have I found out how to embed links into my posts. I'm probably thinking about it too much.
Suffice it to say, I hope to make this blog a bit more exciting once I have time.
I've been too busy. I spent the last Saturday in May recovering from a hangover induced by the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day on the Friday before. Then the Madison Marathon was on Sunday so I had to go see the fiancé finish his very first half-marathon, then go to his parents house *yippee*. Monday was a holiday but I spent it freaking out about what to wear at a customer site since I was flying out that afternoon. Nothing fits anymore since I lost so much damn weight from the accident, and since I can't wear high heels, that severly limits what shoes I can wear. All in all I think I ended up dressed decently. Though I did end up wearing sneakers on Thursday with my dress clothes. Oh well.
Friday night I don't think I did much, as I was tired, and Saturday night was spent celebrating Loud's birthday, which was much fun.
This week is more work and hopefully a relaxing weekend, then the week after that I'm traveling again.
Things have gotten a tad bit better at work, but I still feel like I'm trying to talk but no one is listening, which is quite frustrating. But I *heart* the paycheck.

1 comment:

loud said...

You and my mom - neither of you can post pictures. Maybe it's your connection or something - it's pretty easy.