Monday, July 30, 2007

Dress shopping

This weekend, Ding and Loud dragged me down to Verona to go wedding dress shopping. While there, I quickly realized how ignorant I am about wedding dresses. Apparently, you can get pretty much any dress altered in any way you want.
Seriously! And if you go somewhere like Vera's or David's, you try on sample dresses, decide which one you want, and then they send an order off and the dress is made just for you. It takes like 4 months!
The place we went to was sort of like a consignment shop where the dresses they had were the only dresses. I actually tried on 2 dresses, and amazingly, they both looked pretty good. I think I have a better idea of what I want now - simple white, with bright crayola-red accents. That would go with the whole red/white/black color scheme we're thinking about.
Though, standing in front of the mirror dressed in a wedding dress and veil was quite possibly the weirdest event of my life. It was like seeing someone else, and the fact that my brain kept trying to deal with the fact that the person in the mirror was actually ME left me emotionally and mentally exhausted.
I guess it's a good thing that I have such a long time to get used to it :)


Anonymous said...

duuuuuude. you suck 4 not coming out to reverence. that is all.

loud said...

I'm so proud of you...

11frogs said...

The best part of your wedding? It gets to be *yours* :)

11frogs said...
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