Monday, October 1, 2007


So, last Saturday was the Fall Ball, a fundraiser for the girls walking the 3 Day this year. While I couldn't attend like the previous year, I decided to have my own fun and stay up all night canning tomatoes (why yes, I am a huge dork).

Here are the results (ignore the time stamps on the picture, the camera is about an hour and 10 days ahead):

10:30pm - Starting out:

Midnight - Hard at work:

12:45am - Tired:

1am - Getting these into cans:

2am - By this time we have 2 water baths going:

4:30am - Finally, we're done:


11frogs said...

Wow, you're a trooper. Did Damon stay up with you all night? He looked *very* excited about the whole operation in that one picture :) Congrats on the tomatoes - did you do all stewed tomatoes, or sauce?

Lucia said...

I like the way the canning starts out with a laptop. way to merge an old school art with technology!

congrats on finally getting a successful tomato canning!

KittyWithClaws said...

Just tomatoes, and yep, he stayed up the whole time with me!
A few seals didn't take, so I'm going to take those jars and make spaghetti sauce out of those tomatoes and probably freeze it for this winter.