Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ok, let me clarify what I meant in my previous post about wedding dress shopping – I was not miserable, I was TERRIFIED. I felt like I was in way over my head. There was lots of activity. Lots of floofy white dresses that made me look utterly horrible.
Keep in mind that I never thought I’d be having a wedding as big as the one I’m having, which I know, is not big by anyone’s standards but mine. I’m not used to all this girly dress stuff – I’m a tomboy and I am comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, NOT in a tight white fancy dress.
Plus it seemed like all the dresses that were picked out were not what I had in mind, but I don’t KNOW what I have in mind, so what can I say?
I was just very confused and flustered and completely out of my element. But I’m hoping it gets easier the more I do it.


loud said...

Thanks for the apology. You really have a way with words.

Sleep late... dream more. said...

I'm not really involved in this dress shopping business, but I kind of think that getting used to being in the spotlight at a store is a baby step to getting used to having everyone at the wedding staring at you... Surely there will be more people at your various receptions than there are in a wedding store...

as for the dresses not being what you had in mind... well... since you say you don't have anything in mind (yet) try them ALL on, cherish the memories of trying on floofy, frilly, awful things (and make other people try on awful dresses, too!) as these initial bad ones will make the right one (when you find it) look even more amazing :)

And finally... look at these dress shopping events as a chance to hang out with good friends and laugh about the silliness of weddings & wedding apparel & wedding traditions as you figure out what it *is* that you actually want... the more you look at this stuff as a chore, the worse off you will feel each time you go... and treat yourself to some ice cream (or whatever) at the end of the day to celebrate a job well done because, no matter what you tried on, you are now 1 day closer to finding the dress you want :)

(steps off of soapbox)