Monday, May 11, 2009


So, yes, spring is here. And yesterday, after getting back from D's parents house (where we have to spend every holiday plus some..........sigh) I got into major yard work mode. Nevermind that it was 6pm! It was warm! It was still light out for 2 1/2 hours! And so, spending 2 1/2 hours doing yard stuff was what D and I did.

He mowed the lawn, trimmed up the edges, helping me bag 4 bags of leaves and clean some stuff out of the garage. I took a rake and raked out all of the beds in the front, to get all the leaves and other gunk out of them. Of course, I have perennials in the beds, so they are all coming up and looking pretty, but the beds themselves looked pretty bad. Raking all the crap out really made them look 100% better, since now the plants are actually noticable :P

Of course, I still have a ton in the back to rake out, and plus I want to move some plants among beds, and then I have to till up one small bed for D's hops and some asparagus, and I also need to till up last year's veggie garden so I can get this one started.

I'm still sore from yesterday :P

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