Friday, July 3, 2009

Good and bad

So, here's the bad news for the week: my credit cards got hacked.
Yep, some asshole has my name (old one, interestingly enough), my address, my phone number, and all of my chase credit card information. They decided to order a hoity-toity $180 car seat from a fancy Manhatten baby store. Who the f*ck needs a car seat that costs one hundred and eighty fucking dollars???? Seriously, if your baby's tush needs that much cushioning, buy it your damn self instead of stealing my information to do it. I might feel bad if it was, say, food, but this? The shipping address was somewhere in Holmen, WI, where, incidentally, our best man is from.


But, I noticed it 4 days later (2 business days), so take this, fuckers - I cancelled my credit cards and called the store, and your precious car seat was intercepted in transit and is on it's way back to the store! HAH!!


Anyways, the good news is that D and I finally bought a bed frame!! Neither of us has had one since we moved out of our respective parent's houses after college, mostly because we can't agree on ANYTHING. Like, at all. Seriously.

But one went for sale on the classifieds here at work, and I liked it, and amazingly enough, he did too, so we snatched it up! We picked it up last night (using D's parent's jeep, since, oh BTW, he completely wrecked his red BMW in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago) and put it together, and it's BEAUTIFUL! I don't have pictures of it in our room, but these are the ones from the classifieds:

Isn't it great?

We're also working on painting some more rooms in the house, and I think we're going to have to call a landscaping company soon - one of the flower beds on the side of the garage is home to 6 foot tall (no joke) pricker plants that are life-threatening. I need to move the flowers and get that bed ripped up, along with a couple others.
And, of course, we need to entertain the in-laws tonight, and then for the next 5-6 weekends, I'm completely booked :P

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