Monday, March 24, 2008


Grrrrrrrrr. I'm rapidly becoming tired of looking for a house. The ones we like seem to get accepted offers within hours of going on the market, and D and I are just not ready to go that fast. The ones that we don't like that much sit on the market and don't go anywhere.

Add that to the fact that D and I like EXACTLY opposite things, and this is just not going anywhere.


I feel like we've looked at 3 million houses and we still haven't made a decision. We decided to hold off on the Raymond house after I sent D to an open house that I couldn't attend, and he came home saying that he really liked the other house. Then I went to look at it and didn't like it all that much :P

Then we found another one that we really like, and saw it last Friday. The problem is that there's 3 others I want to look at before we make an offer on the first one, but D's gone this week, so we can't see the other 3 till Friday, and I'm so nervous that the first one is going to be gone before then that I can't even sleep more than 2 hours at a time. So now I'm still nervous and stressed, and add to that sleep-deprived. Whee.

Who ever said that the housing market was slow never looked for a house in Madison. Our agent has had just two houses in the past week where they've gone from listed to sold in less than 12 hours.


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