Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm a homeowner.

As in, we have the keys and the garage door openers and we signed a zillion papers and handed over a hefty cashier's check and met with the people who were selling the house and then got to wander around for an hour or so today to just look at all the stuff we want to change.

It is absolutely FREAKY. I feel like this is something that adults do, and I definitely don't feel like an "adult". I know that I can probably handle this responsibility - it just feels like I'm way too young to do something like this, even though I'm not - I'm 27.

Tonight D and I will go to look at it some more and start planning specific projects. Over the next 3 weeks we hope to get painters in there and carpet cleaners, and then on the 22nd of May we actually have movers coming to take everything from the old house to the new place.

Ack! Scary and exciting and completely disconcerting - but in a good way!

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