Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The ties that bind

I have always believed that the fiancé's mother is the Queen of Unwarranted Guilt Trips. But, it seems you are blind to your own life, and I've discovered a new King in the form of my father.

If this is what "familial responsibility" is, I don't want any part of it. It seems that being part of a family means you can hurt the other people but give more courtesy to the real person this anger should have been directed towards, a goddamn stranger. I don't want your money that you offered me to be a source that you dig at to make me feel guilty, when I never even asked for it. I certainly don't want it for a goddamn wedding that I'm only participating in to make others in the family happy. They don't have to deal with this grief, I do. And I'm sick of dealing with bullshit and being the one who's hurt just so other people get what they want.

When do I get what I want? And I don't want to hear that bullshit about how the wedding isn't for the couple. Maybe other people accept that and deal with it. I do not.

Maybe this will blow over in time. But I don't think I could ever forget, or forgive, this.

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